Our Featured Artists

Promoting creativity and imaginative mind flow is the purpose of our Featured Artists blog. It's a place where we can show the talents of people both young and old, and how they express themselves.

To become one of our featured artists simply contact us at arkcards@hotmail.com. We will email you back our step by step instructions on how you can get started.

Enjoy our artists with us but remember all artwork posted is the sole owner of the artist and all rights are reserved. In otherwords, look but don't take. :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lorie Hager

Featured here with her Canon Rebel SLR XT, Lorie enjoys taking a multitude of different subject matters. As you see in her porfolio she has the ability to experiment with lighting and special effects. She is brilliant at grabbing our attention and bringing us into her photograph with her, into her world of light and fantasy. Lorie has been involved in photography for over 12 years and has spent much of her time researching and upgrading her equipment. Lorie's equipment collection now includes a Canon 5D. She is in the process of aquiring new studio lighting as well, but stills prefers natural lighting. Her passion runs deep and comes through in each photograph she takes. Welcome aboard Lorie!

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